Frequently Asked Questions
The great thing about KidStarter is that you have the flexibility to choose how you would like to invest the money. And you can select any of your existing accounts as your preferred place to send funds. Our job is just to help consolidate the funds in the first place.
Once funds have been distributed to the parent/custodian from KidStarter, their child will have access to funds in accordance with Federal laws - typically at the age of 18. A child/beneficiary can access funds directly from KidStarter if they are over the age of 18.
Absolutely. That is the added advantage of KidStarter. It can also serve as an automatic, hands-off, no brainer alternative to traditional birthday gifts. Just set up a recurring contribution!
As soon as you create an KidStarter fund or contribute to an existing one, you can easily share that URL with your social network. Just mention that there is a cause to be addressed, and your extended network can chip in. And rest assured that KidStarter will record those who made their financial future possible.
A KidStarter account can be terminated at any time - so long as there are no pending funds to be distributed, and the bank account associated with the KidStarter has been disconnected. Once those two conditions are met, an option to delete the KidStarter will appear on the fundraiser page. In other words, we ensure users will always have access to their funds.